How to apply the Feynman Technique in the UPSC preparation?

3 min readMar 4, 2022

Learning how to learn.

Source: @ProfFeynman (Twitter)

Richard Feynman was a American theoretical physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1965. He was awarded for his work on Quantum electrodynamics and its consequences on elementary particles.

The specialty of Feynman was his ability to convey complex concepts in an extremely simple manner. His methodology of learning is what is called “The Feynman Technique.”

The Feynman Technique comprises of four steps:

  1. Identify
  2. ELI5 (“Explain It To Me Like I’m 5”)
  3. Reflect & Study
  4. Organize, Convey & Review

Step 1: Identify

Select the topic to learn about. The topics generally fall into two categories. First, are topics that we are forced to learn. Second, are topics we have a curiosity about.

Application to UPSC Prep: As you run through the syllabus, you would find a good mix of the the above two categories. Are you also complaining to your friend, “What is the use of memorizing so many dates in the History?”

Nevertheless, to apply this technique choose a particular topic that you wish to learn.

Step 2: ELI5 (“Explain It To Me Like I’m 5”)

Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.

Think that you actually had to explain, “How Vaccines keep us safe” to a kid. How would you approach this situation? Try to make a small note about the topic. Focus on the basic concepts and its application.

Application to UPSC Prep: Identify some friend of yours and try and explain this new topic in the most simple manner possible.

Step 3: Reflect & Study

While you try the above step, you might get stuck at some places. I faced a similar issue. I was trying to explain about NFTs to a friend of mine. In the middle, I realized that I needed to learn more about it.

Application to UPSC Prep: If needed, refer to the concept in an NCERT text book. Some times, you might have to check even Class 6–10th books. If it is a new technology, try to read an Explained column by Indian Express of The Hindu. The end objective should be to fill your gaps in understanding.

Step 4: Organize, Convey & Review

Now try and put the information together in a narrative. Test your understanding and update your perspective. Always try to use simple words while expressing your thoughts.

Application to UPSC Prep: Try to write about this topic in any answer or in an essay. Review your deeper learning about the topic.

Though each step of this process is relevant, for me, the attitude of the Step #2 is very important. Even as administrators, our job would be to explain policies to politicians. We would have to allay the fears of the public. For that, we need to go to the root of any topic. Understand it well and explain it others in a simple manner. That is why it is said,

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication.

How do you learn? Do let me know your thoughts. In case you found some new perspective, feel free to reply and share your thoughts.

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I am a UPSC Aspirant. I will be sharing some of my perspectives about the UPSC journey through Medium. I will be posting when I get some free time.